Meet the staff!

Just a bunch of nerds on the internet, right?

The Establishment.

The Administration staff, these people will help answer questions about how the server runs.. maybe. (Ask in Support, damn it.)

Just a Writer

Oh? You want to hear about me? I'm the psychotic maniac who writes guides, and began this project! Glad you are here!


The Catbirb

Hey I'm Catbirby, I manage the staff and yell at Jet to get his shit together! I make sure the server operates... or at least works, somewhat.


We all need a pet.

Heya, I'm TwoDog! I'm just you're average Kiwi with a passion for dogs and Discord! "OneJet, TwoDog, ThreeCat, FourPigeon, FiveMustard, SixSalt, SevenAkiara, EightSuds, NineCarti, TenBirdie, ElevenLaku, TwelveLunar, ThirteenIhaveNoLife"

Sorry but...

The rest of the staff page is down for repairs, we will hopefully have this page fully updated and released soon!